Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Wiiiiiiiii whatz the big deal?

Since the Wii has made its way into my home several things have happened.

- I get hit in the head more often (by swinging controllers).

- I have new daytime visitors who drop by to practice throughout the week (they know the garage code).

- I have new nighttime visitors who cut into my evening couch routine (P.S. I need my beauty sleep).

- I am told to steer clear of any games, wires, swinging arms (P.P.S. This is MY kingdom).

Not sure I like this Wii. It has no rope, no ball, no bells, no real reason to attract such attention.

Me? I'll stick to stick.


Woodford Man said...

peanut, it's so simple even you could play. but let's see if we can come to some common ground and make this work, okay?

Opy - the Original GruffPuppy said...

Hey Peanut,

Welcome to - it is great to meet you and I am sure you will make lots of new friends here :-)


Diana said...

Peanut, looking good in your new photo. A bit bloated, which makes it even cuter. Must have been taken on the day you scored two bowls of breakfast.