Tuesday, November 27, 2007


We're thinking about moving, which means we'll all be on a really tight budget for the next few months. Yes, even me. I saw some post-it notes and that's what I'm allotted.

If I' m a bit more grumpy than usual you'll know why. $$$$$
Plus there is talk I won't be allowed to come to the condo unless I lose weight, learn how not to bark or shed my dogness and can pass as a toddler. This is not looking good for me.


The Bar Belle said...

Moving soon, eh? Well, just go on that diet when the rest of us go on ours -- after Christmas. No more beer for you, Dana.

Peanut said...

what no one can move into a condo unless you can go. I bet you won't move if that is the case.

The Yeti said...

i think you're being overpaid.