Wednesday, November 14, 2007

not my hero

Guitar Hero has invaded our house. Suddenly everyone is a heavy metal headbanger and I am left utterly confused. The electronic keyboard I could handle. Sure it wasn't the coolest but at least I could play a few notes with my paw. This guitar is far too difficult.

Just when you think the wii can not get any worse. It does. I mean it wiiiilly wiiilly does.


Ferndoggle said...

Dude, tell me about it. Guitar Hero is SO Annoying. And Dad just ordered some stupid Rock Band thing for him & his boyz to play. I'm moving into the basement.


Woodford Man said...

you got equal playtime as guitar hero last night. i even shared a bit of my dinner with you too. ease up ph, it's not the end of the world. guitar hero's shinyness will fade, but you'll be there forever.